Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity
Northern Plains Province
Brother of the Year Award
Collegiate BOTY Award Winner:
Morgan Klein
Beta Sigma
North Dakota State University
Fargo, North Dakota
Nomination Essay Excerpt:
“Proud To Be Your Brother—whether attached to the end of an email or shouted at the end of a Province Assembly, every Kappa Psi brother has used our token greeting. Yet no one embodies its true meaning of pride like Areeb. Areeb is passionate about pharmacy, dedicated to his academic success, and committed to their brothers at the chapter, province, and national levels. As such, [our chapter] is privileged to formally nominate Areeb for NPP’s Brother of the Year.
Throughout their time as a collegiate brother, [this brother] has been an excellent example of Kappa Psi’s pillars. Their EC experiences as our chapter’s webmaster, member-at-large, and Alumni and Faculty Liaison, and as NPP’s webmaster, demonstrate his commitment to industry. As Alumni and Faculty Liaison, Areeb established a lasting connection between active brothers and our faculty members by hosting luncheons to give brothers the rare opportunity to interact with our faculty members outside the classroom. As our webmaster, they revived our chapter’s web media presence to reflect Beta Chi’s local philanthropic involvement in addition to Kappa Psi’s national philanthropy initiative. As NPP’s webmaster, he facilitated the pandemic-prompted transition to a new virtual reality.
Areeb not only sets high ideals for themself, but for other brothers. Somehow between studying for both their PharmD and MBA, they constantly check in with brothers on campus, asking how they’re feeling about classes and if they need any help. Areeb always encourages brothers to strive for the extraordinary in their academics and in Kappa Psi, truly wanting to see all of their brothers excel.
Areeb is truly the bridge between the old and new members. With each incoming pledge class, they actively involve themself, dedicating at least an hour to meet with each pledge individually learning about their interests, answering any of their questions, and welcoming them into the fraternity. Even on rotations, they make every effort to virtually meet with the pledges and foster love and pride for Kappa Psi. Whether they are leading Areeb to an intramural win or shouting to pack the most dehydrated meals, their competitive spirit is rooted in pride for their fraternity and driven by motivation to leave our brotherhood stronger than they found it. That same pride and drive is not limited to our chapter—at GCC 2019, it was difficult to get a chapter picture because Areeb was always off somewhere else, meeting brothers from across the country. Areeb embodies the pillars of Industry, Sobriety, Fellowship, and High Ideals in every aspect of their education and professional persona, and our chapter believes they would be proud to claim Fellowship as their most influential attribute. Most recently, our chapter awarded Areeb the Active of the Year Award for their constant contributions to chapter on and off the Executive Committee and for their resiliency throughout this unprecedented year. Areeb is Beta Chi’s most dedicated member, and we will be forever proud to be their brother.” - Beta Chi Chapter
Runner Up: Grace Brent
Beta Chi
Drake University
Des Moines, Iowa
Nomination Essay Excerpt:
"Taylor has been an exemplary Brother of our Graduate Chapter. They have been involved since day one of moving to Wisconsin. Taylor has contributed as [this chapter’s] Graduate's Vice Regent, Beta Psi's GCD, and most recently our Graduate's Secretary. Taylor has always displayed a passion for fostering fellowship among graduate Brothers by getting them more involved with the Chapter. This past year they have been dedicated to updating our Chapter's contact list with accurate email and mailing addresses, as the Chapter has lost contact with many Brother's over the years. Taylor did a phenomenal job of updating our contacts and they also created a Google Calendar for our Brothers to increase reminders and attendance at events. These initiatives were proven to be well worth their time, because at our annual meeting we had the highest attendance in years, even during a pandemic when everything was virtual! This past Summer Taylor also worked diligently to write our Annual Wisconsin Grad Newsletter while also having to return home several times to help their family through difficult times. Even though there were challenges occurring in their life, Taylor never slacked on their commitment to the Wisconsin Grad Chapter. Taylor has displayed extraordinary leadership this past year and continues to be an invaluable Brother to the Wisconsin Grad. Their commitment and constant dedication to fostering fellowship within the Chapter are just a few of the reasons Taylor is our nominee for the Brother of the Year Award." -Wisconsin Grad
Section 1: Who can be nominated?
I. One collegiate brother will be nominated by his or her respective collegiate chapter for the Collegiate Brother of the Year.
II. One graduate brother will be nominated by his or her respective graduate chapter for Graduate Brother of the Year.
A brother cannot be nominated for this award if this brother is a current Northern Plains Province Executive Committee Member or the International Executive Committee Member; however, individual chapter EC members are eligible for nomination. If the brother is a P4 at the time of the nomination, then this brother will be considered as a collegiate brother. If said brother wins the Collegiate Brother of the Year, then the same brother cannot be nominated for the Graduate Brother of the Year Award the following year. In the brother's second year of being a graduate brother, the brother then becomes eligible for the nomination of Graduate Brother of the Year Award.
Section 2: How are they nominated?
I. Collegiate Brother of the Year Award: Each chapter within the province will choose one brother from their own chapter by filling out the designated form and submitting it to the designated person.
II. Graduate Brother of the Year Award: Each graduate chapter within the province will choose one brother from their own graduate chapter. If a brother is a member of more than one graduate chapter and is nominated by more than one graduate chapter, the submissions will be combined into one.
A brother cannot be nominated more than two times in a row, and a brother cannot win the award more than once in a 3-year period, even if the brother graduate within 3-year time frame.
Section 3: What is the criteria for Brother of the Year?
I. A nominee will be in good standing with both the chapter and province verified by the Northern Plains Province Executive Committee and collegiate GCD for collegiate nominees and graduate regent for graduate nominees.
II. A nominee must embody the four pillars: Industry, Sobriety, Fellowship, and High Ideals
III. A nominee will fill out the nominee form, outlining the following: ​​
A. Service to the fraternity
This section includes any chapter, provincial, or national offices held, and/or committee involvement, and other special projects within the fraternity such as, but not limited to BP screenings, community service events etc.
B. Service to the university
This section should include any offices held, special projects ongoing or completed, and special recognitions or awards within the University setting​. This can involve any preceptorship or award from a university for encouraging student growth and success.
C. Service to the profession
Membership in state or other national pharmaceutical organizations​, offices held in other organizations or committee assignments NOT within the school will be included in this section. Any special award or recognition related to such organization should be disclosed.
D. The nominee will write a 500- word essay based upon a Kappa Psi-related topic. ​
The current topic is "What impact have you had on Kappa Psi? What impact has Kappa Psi had on you?"
​​IV. ​Each nominee must have a letter from the chapter detailing why their nominee should receive this award (MAX 500 words)
The letter should include any information about the brother they would like and should focus on impact the brother has had on the chapter. TIP: Do no spend too much space repeating the positions this brother has held, as they will already be listed in the form they fill out.
Section 4: How will we eliminate bias?
I. Each nomination will be blinded by a member of EC (or any committee chair/appointee that is in charge of the award). Submissions will be sent to that person, and the designated blinder will remove any personal information that could indicate who the nominee from each chapter is.
II. Each NPP EC member will be trusted to remove themselves from the room if their graduate or collegiate chapter is voting on the nominee in order to remain blinded. NPP EC is NOT allowed to know who any of the nominations are (with the exception of whoever is blinding the nominations)
III. Graduate brothers will vote on collegiate brothers and vice versa. See section 5.
Section 5: Voting
I. NPP EC will vote on both graduate and collegiate brother of the year nominations.
II. Graduate regents will submit their votes on collegiate submissions, and collegiate regents will submit their votes on graduate submissions. The chapter as a whole, chapter EC, or just the regent may vote. Currently, there are no requirements about who gives input. The regent, however, will be the one to submit their final votes/rankings.
III. All submissions will be blinded and assigned an ID. The chapter essay and nominee forms will be combined into one document.
IV. Chapters will rank what they believe is the Top 5 submissions based on the following criteria, ranking each as 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, or 5th:
A. Four pillars: Industry, Sobriety, High Ideals, Fellowship
B. Impact Factor
C. Overall ranking
Section 6: What will the awarded brothers receive?
I. Brothers will be given plaques with their names and stating they are the Brother of the Year.
II. Collegiate brother may receive a scholarship depending on the NPP budget and sponsorship.
III. The winning graduate brother may present a short speech at the graduation ritual in the spring.
IV. Current winners will be posted on social media. Past and current winners will be present on the NPP website.
Section 7: How to submit a nomination.
I. Email submission forms to the designated BOTY award chair/person.
II. Each letter is limited to one single-spaced page.
III. Information needed: chapter, regent + email, brother nominee + email, GCD (for collegiate chapters) + email
IV. Demo forms are currently available to view.
Section 8: How to submit a vote.
I. Fill out the rubric ranking the brothers based on voting criteria.
II. submit this to the designated BOTY person.
Section 9: How to count the votes.
I. The designated award chairperson that blinded entries will collect all votes. The highest average ranking among the categories will determine the winner.
II. Province Supervisors are welcome to double-check the chairperson's work.
Please send any questions/concerns/feedback to Arianna Johnson: arianna.johnson@drake.edu.
All SUBMISSIONS should be sent to nppBOTY@gmail.com.